Synigo loves collaboration. After all, we’re a network organization. | Synigo Pulse

Give your workspace & intranet a beginning and an end

Synigo loves collaboration. After all, we’re a network organization. Our partners are tried and tested in the implementation of digital workspaces, intranets, and tools for online collaboration. Synigo’s partners give a project a start and a finish, and each contributes specific expertise.

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IT should always and everywhere work for you," believes Avantage. The IT partner achieves this with (hybrid) cloud services, innovative technology, and a customer-oriented approach. This method results in effective business solutions, with a focus on quality and reliability. Among other things, Avantage implements GO, an online start portal that provides employees with role-based access to the necessary files and data.

Website Avantage


The solutions team of Brunel is a top team. They are practical, customer-oriented and very skilled in the area of Microsoft technology and custom links. Their consultants work closely with Synigo, they know their way around, and they help larger clients in the implementation & adoption phases. 


SoftwareOne loves SaaS solutions that take work off your hands. SoftwareOne is a formidable market player in the field of licensing contracts and cloud consultation. They know all the ins and outs of Microsoft technology. Synigo works closely with SoftwareOne’s expert cloud team. SoftwareOne has a total solution with a fully described adoption process for Microsoft Office and Teams.   

Pink Elephant

Pink Elephant makes IT personal again, through a smart combination of components they can offer the end user exactly what he or she needs. In addition, they ensure that users know what is possible with their IT resources. Because for Pink Elephant, the user experience is central. That's what makes Pink Elephant special.

Website Pink Elephant

Masters in ICT

Lemontree is a smart ICT service provider. Using OneDesk, Lemontree delivers a complete solution for the digital workspace. Solid and skillful — that describes the Lemontree team to a T. They leave nothing to chance and know how to be a good team! Lemontree knows all about hybrid solutions and they are very service-oriented. 


KNNS believes that accessible and simple IT gives you the freedom to do what you’re good at. And this also makes it easier and more fun. Anywhere and for anyone. Their main focus is on you as a person. That’s why KNNS supports you — from organizing and administering your IT environment to fully training your employees. 


Liquit is a technology partner of Synigo that has a smart software solution for provisioning applications. They are intelligent and thorough. Liquit and Synigo have been working together from the start. Clients who use Liquit can easily find their applications on the Synigo Pulse workspace.   


Lift has years of experience in the adoption and communication field. Clear communication is deep in their fibers and they like to convey that. Partly due to this approach, the Lift team has already helped many customers set up large and complex knowledge bases (knowing & arranging).


Synigo has a special bond with Microsoft, which develops products to give people more possibilities. We create beautiful software for the Microsoft platform. And we are crazy about the modern communication and collaboration tools. Synigo participates in various Microsoft product groups and works closely with its education team.   

PCI (formerly ICT Spirit)

PCI IT Solutions provides flexible ICT solutions that fit with the organizational objectives and ambitions of its clients. The workspace team of PCI IT Solutions has proven knowledge of Microsoft technology, from Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint up to an including advanced security solutions. They guide clients through the technical and functional implementation and adoption of the Modern Workplace. Professional, personal and experienced.   


Simac is a genuine all-rounder in technology. They believe in teamnology: technology solutions that work and keep on working. From hosting and electrical engineering to workspace projects. They are a team player that steers large-scale technology projects in the right direction. At Simac, they know what they are talking about! Synigo and Simac frequently spar with each other about adoption, workspaces, data centers (Citrix, virtual desktops) and the implementation of Microsoft tooling.   


WilroffReitsma’s strong suit is their combination of telephony and ICT. With an experienced team of Microsoft consultants, they are able to switch quickly — technically and functionally. The driving force of WilroffReitsma is to make things easy for their clients. And that fits well with our aims! WilroffReitsma focuses mainly on small and medium-sized businesses.   


EduConn helps companies in (mainly) education in the field of digitization, integrated collaboration and accessibility. A good match - because our product lends itself perfectly to education.

The work of EduConn translates into the realization of digital workplaces. But they are also good at IT consultancy, adoption, change management and Office 365 implementations.

Breens Network

Breens Network is the partner in education. As an IT organization, they are specialized in the technological innovation of learning processes and the organization around it. In the more than 25 years that they exist, they have successfully helped many organizations with the digital transformation.


AKSI Automatisering

AKSI Automatisering wants to make working easier and more effective. In doing so, they are involved in everything that concerns workplaces and network applications. From small to large organizations and from consultancy to management. But always based on a passion for technology and its applicability.



Justins assists organizations with digitization and the design of Microsoft 365 / social intranet environments to enable employees to work together safely, efficiently and connected. Their approach pays off in people who enjoy their work more and, as a result, perform better.


At Adoptics, they really put the spotlight on the users. What do they need to be able to easily get their work (or studying) done — and have fun doing so? How do you design a communication portal that makes people happy? By involving them in its development. Adoptics knows all about this and they support organizations with this “soft” side. But the result is firm: a collaboration portal that is warmly accepted. 

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Curious about which partner is right for you? Call +31 88 3838500 or mail or leave us a message.